RAWNY’s Reentry One-Stop provides services and support to individuals returning home to Monroe County after incarceration—whether from the county, state, or federal incarceration.
Our History
The Reentry Association of Western NY (RAWNY) has been in existence since 2005, originally known as the Safer Monroe Area Reentry Team (SMART) until 2021. It started as a volunteer grassroots member organization providing a platform for members to share information and news on reentry topics and advocate for better reentry policies. Our members include more than 50 local organizations that provide direct services to people who are reentering the community after incarceration.
Government at county, state, and federal levels recognized the need to fund services for men and women returning to the community after incarceration—both as a cost-saving measure and to enhance public safety.
For any individual coming home, finding help can be a long and frustrating scavenger hunt, where they struggle to get even basic needs met. RAWNY is prepared to utilize its experience to implement the Reentry One-Stop.
RAWNY serves as an umbrella organization that works with various providers to coordinate services for people coming home and advocate to get their needs met.
Through legislative education and advocacy, RAWNY can support programs serving reentry, with the ultimate goal of incorporating Reentry services as a permanent part of the criminal justice system.
Collaborating with partner agencies to create sustainable, standard care, and to provide training on topics including:
Case management and advocacy practices
Trauma-informed care
De-escalation techniques
Motivational interviewing
Help provide funds to fill existing gaps in services where people need them most.
Provide technical, educational, and operational support to neighborhood and faith-based programs through media and events.
We ensure formerly incarcerated individuals have a voice in reentry practices and a platform to share their stories.
Participate in TogetherNow’s System Integration project.
The project aims to establish a connection between local health, education, and human services organizations. This priority, identified by the Regional Economic Development Council and the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative, is a critical need for our community.
How do I get help?
Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for potential clients to get the help they need. Whether a community agency contacts us, a family member, criminal justice staff, or you contact us directly, there is no “wrong door.” You can email us at yrivera@rawny.org, or call us at 585.851.8886. Our office is located at 186 - 188 N. Water Street. RAWNY coordinates closely with staff at the Monroe County Jail to begin working with people before their release. When you talk with us, we will do a brief assessment to find out what your goals are, what services we can provide, and if we need to connect you to one of our partner agencies.
We can serve any adult (18+) who has been incarcerated, has ongoing legal issues, or is at imminent risk of incarceration. While we focus primarily on people who are about to be released or were recently released, we understand that the consequences of incarceration can be far-reaching, and you may need reentry assistance even if you have been back in the community for months or years.
Who is eligible for help?

“Sometimes people just don’t have that extra support they need to turn their lives around. Being able to provide that support can be key to changing a life.”
— Yari Rivera, Programs Director