Our Services
RAWNY partners with lots of other agencies who can provide you with services like training, housing, jobs, support, etc. All RAWNY clients attend a brief orientation that gives you a chance to meet some of the partners who provides services and learn about what you can get from being part of RAWNY.
RAWNY partners with lots of other agencies who can provide you with services like training, housing, jobs, support, etc. All RAWNY clients attend a brief orientation that gives you a chance to meet some of the partners who provides services and learn about what you can get from being part of RAWNY.
Our case managers can assist individuals with obtaining permanent housing. Please contact us for more information.
We will assist you to complete the DHS application (welfare, Medicaid, SNAP benefits) if you are eligible for assistance, and go through the process with you to ensure your case is opened.
We can assist you to get your NYS photo ID, birth certificate, and Social Security card.
We can assist you to get your NYS photo ID, birth certificate, and Social Security card.
If you are eligible for a driver’s license, we may be able to help you get one. (We cannot assist with paying for traffic tickets or fines).
Are you in need of personal hygiene products, clothing or furniture? We can help! Please speak to your case manager for more information!
A phone is a necessity. If you do not have a phone and cannot get one, let us know.
Our case managers are ready to assist you with scheduling a substance abuse evaluation or connecting you with inpatient treatment.
We can assist with bus passes. Speak to your case manager for more information.
Your Mental Health is important!
We partner with RKKS for monthly mental health groups at our RAWNY location. If you would like additional mental health services, our staff is able to provide you with further resources to assist!
Are you in need of some basic regulatory life skills like laundry, cooking, etc.? Our peers are ready to assist you! We will be happy to provide you with more information!
One of the most important things you can do to ensure a successful reentry is to get involved! We offer weekly activities such as Bingo, arts and crafts and trips to Rocovery Fitness.
We partner with legal service providers and can refer you for assistance for problems like employment discrimination, landlord/tenant problems, or public benefits; getting your criminal record and having mistakes corrected; getting a certificate of relief or good conduct.
RAWNY partners with U of R/Jordan Health to assist individuals with connecting to medical providers. Twice a month, U of R offers a FREE Wellness Clinic at our RAWNY site that can assist with basic medical needs. In addition, we can connect you with a PCP through Jordan Health or a provider of your choice. If eligible, we can also connect you with a health home care manager.
RAWNY currently partners with SRGMF to provide personalized employment services. We also work with many community organizations to provide assistance with enrolling in vocational training programs.
Have you wondered what you really want to do with the rest of your life? Stephen Bryant of Keen supports individuals in helping them identify the beginning of their “spark”—the thing that connects us all to wanting to live life for ourselves, and as part of the community. The class provides an informal explanation and guide to understanding self-awareness, self-improvement and how these affect us and drive us forward. Sessions will also touch on understanding how past experiences shape our present and future, how we engage a new mindset, and practical life skills needed to engage in life and community fully.
We are currently in the process of starting this service again. Stay tuned for updates!
Do you want to get your official rap sheet? Get help correcting it? Get information on your rights in a variety of different areas? Come to a legal clinic provided by Legal Assistance of WNY or Center for Community Alternatives.
We currently have a certified barber on site that can provide free haircuts. Please contact our office for availability and to schedule an appointment!
In partnership with the U of R, RAWNY now has a wellness clinic on-site at the one-stop. Here, you can get your basic medical needs met and be connected to a primary care doctor.
Our computer lab is ready for clients to take advantage of a work-at-your-own-pace GED prep program. Once we set up your account, you can use it anywhere you have an internet connection. Once we are prepared for your test, our staff can assist you with scheduling.

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
— Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents